

Offshore base on the island of Rügen

At our location in Sassnitz-Mukran we offer you comprehensive services. Our agency team, consisting of three employees, primarily takes care of crew changes and transport, port agency duties, ship clearance, site management and port & logistics services. We procure spare parts and provisions for the ships and for our customers and manage all logistics processes. In addition to warehousing and assistance, our tasks also include renting out and managing the company building for the companies Parkwind and Vestas.


Facts and Figures

  • Office space 914 m²
  • Storage area 792 m²
  • Outdoor storage area: 3.400 m², expandable by 1.800 m²
  • 7 charging stations for electromobility
  • Berth: 85 m (length), 6,3 m (navigation depth), 2,55 m (quay high at SL)

Contact us

Port Base Manager

Nicole Zach

Phone: +49 (0) 151 720 125 71

Port & Logistics Services

Manuela Callies

Phone: +49 (0) 173 246 27 97

Site Operator

Jan Martens

Phone: +49 (0) 173 245 22 59